Help fund us
Our magazine is free, as we want it to have a wide reach and not be limited by affordability. However, we do have costs to cover, this website being one, plus we have other projects that we would like to participate in.
We are encouraging people to donate from £1 per month via a Standing Order, so that we have a regular income stream to help fund these projects. Of course we are just starting our activities in the projects area, our reach continuing to be cramped by the Covid pandemic, so we would very much welcome some large donations to help get us started.
Where do we incur our costs?
Our 'Values' booklet - we want to place this in prisons, hospitals, colleges and universities witihn our network
Technology upgrades - our volunteers are in desperate need of upgraded technology to support creation of this magazine
Website costs - to facilitate our reach we are using both social media and a dedicated website
Assisting in the future growth of Humanist groups
Prize giveaways
Setting up a Standing Order
Setting up a Standing Order is a task that can be completed by anyone operating a current account with a bank.
Our account details are:
Account name Humanistically Speaking
Account number 3344 4562
Sort Code 30-98-97
The majority of UK Banks offer a variety of ways to achieve this - either through using their banking application on a mobile phone, accessing their online banking service, directly in branch, or by phone. Instructions for each major bank can be found by clicking on the bank name below:
Please do remember to include your name in any requested 'reference' field when completing your Standing Order submission, as whilst we are perfectly happy to receive an anonymous donation, we really would like to thank you personally for your generosity in supporting the magazine.