Editor's welcome
This month we cover Relationships from every angle including monogamy, polygamy, and even with the element silicon.
David Warden
Jul 31, 20231 min read

Read all about it! Our new promotional flyer for the World Humanist Congress
Have you been reading Humanistically Speaking for a few months now and wondering what we're all about? Or maybe this is your very first...
Jul 31, 20231 min read

Uganda Humanist schools hit by £12,000 tax bombshell
By Steve Hurd Chairperson of the Uganda Humanist Schools Trust The Uganda Humanist Schools are just getting back into their stride after...
Steve Hurd
Jul 31, 20233 min read

David Bothwell obituary: 'A very good life which has touched many'
Humanistically Speaking was very sad to hear of the death of David Bothwell, one of the founders, in 1993, of South Hants Humanists based...
David Warden
Jul 31, 20233 min read

How humans create bonded communities: the challenge for humanism
Professor Dunbar based on his research explores how social species like humans manage to live in large groups without resorting to homicide.
Robin Dunbar
Jul 31, 20237 min read

The pros and cons of monogamy and polygamy
The reproductive strategies of animals and humans vary widely from lifelong pair bonds to fleeting relationships.
Penny Morgan
Jul 31, 20235 min read
1 comment

The next 500 years: can we re-engineer human beings?
Transhumanists hope that we may be able to improve human nature and adaptability in the future.
Tom WhIte
Jul 31, 20233 min read

Humanist groups: how to deliver that endorphin high
How can local humanist groups meet the social and community needs of humans and humanists everywhere in the future.
David Warden
Jul 31, 20236 min read

Cluster bombs: The case against morals in wartime
By David Brittain David is the founding editor of Humanistically Speaking. In this short opinion piece, he dives into the morals of war...
David Brittain
Jul 31, 20233 min read

Cluster bombs: The case for morals in wartime
Aaron argues that our combatants during wartime must adhere to moral boundaries, and a victory should be achieved within those boundaries.
Aaron the Humanist
Jul 31, 20233 min read

Murder, incest, infanticide, and cannibalism: happy families in fiction
Family relationships are fundamental to all literature as a UK comedian commented 'Families are like fudge - mostly sweet, with a few nuts.'
Maggie Hall
Jul 31, 20238 min read

Transhumanism: meanings, morals, hazards and alternatives
Trying to improve our species is no doubt a worthy aim. But there are probably better ways than using ‘transhumanist’ methods.
Alan Tuffrey
Jul 31, 20235 min read
1 comment

LGBT: why we still do Pride in Bournemouth
By Aaron, our Layout and Design Editor Is LGBT Pride still necessary in 21st century Britain? Aaron reports on a discussion meeting that...
Aaron the Humanist
Jul 31, 20233 min read

Normalizing sex in India
Karl reflects on attitudes towards sex in India from a humanist and rationalist perspective.
Mohit Palagiri
Jul 31, 20239 min read

Between a rock and a hard place: our intimate relationship with silicon
Silicon is abundant and versatile, and is a foundational component of our modern world. We live in the Great Age of Silicon.
Anthony Lewis
Jul 31, 20236 min read
1 comment

Sex and relationships: is partnering for life a realistic option?
Aaron has been a keen observer of marriage and divorce in family and friends. He wonders what goes wrong, and can Star Trek help?
Aaron the Humanist
Jul 31, 20236 min read

Leading with Love: Rehumanising the Workplace
By Dr Karen Blakeley Karen Blakeley spent ten years at the University of Winchester Business School specialising in leadership...
Karen Blakeley
Jul 31, 20236 min read
1 comment

Poet's Corner
By Alex Williams Human relationships can be beautiful and enriching, but they can also be fickle and treacherous. Too often, religious...
Alexander Williams
Jul 31, 20232 min read