Editor’s Welcome
Lynda Tilley’s legacy lives on
What’s it like to actually stand for Parliament?
My first ever protest
Sex Ed book for kids looks like the Kama Sutra
What does ChatGPT think of Humanistically Speaking?
Humanistically Speaking AGM in words and pictures
New Prime Minister visits humanist group
Humanist philosopher Steven Pinker describes Gaza genocide accusation as ill-founded
Is mankind our worst enemy?
Humans: the irrepressible innovator
How pseudoscientific ideas about food and medicine have helped to devalue science, reason, and all things Western
How can we effectively refute the allegation that humanism is a cult?
Eight key principles of humanism
Overconsumption: will it be the death of us?
What is prison for? Rehabilitation or endless punishment?
Hyphen-Humanists: beyond interfaith
Media Watch: hopes for humanism under Keir Starmer and other stories of interest
The Olympics: a reflection of humanism or a spectacle of excess?
The case against catastrophism and for the ancient wisdom of Stoicism
Is humanism compatible with the ‘selfish gene’?
Future catastrophic threats: why aren’t humanists thinking the unthinkable?
Poet’s Corner: humanism’s plan to face man’s inhumanity to man